Make a Change

Are you ready, truly ready? Now is the time that your dreams come to fruition. Is this your time? It just may be. It may be the time you’ve always been waiting for. It may be the time you’ve always been yearning for. Now is the time. Time for you to step onto the stage you have set. The stage of your life. You’ve been waiting long enough. Exhale. Deep sigh of relief. You’ve worked so long. You’ve worked so hard. Now is the time.

Take a deep, deep breath. Inhale. Deeper. Hold. Let it ALL out. Ahhhh. That’s it. Clearing. Cleansing. Letting out the old. Drawing in the new. This is you. This is your time. Breathe it in. Blow it out. Like a blowtorch. With power you express your ability to hold mountains of ideas. Blow it all out. Out into the world for the world to see. To share. To be. Let It Go! Release it.

Now and only now can the world share in your joyousness and ideas. They can not only add to them and expand on them, they have the ability to participate “in” them. Woah! What a concept. Shared thoughts and shared ideas coming to fruition. That is what the world is all about, isn’t it? Sharing, collaborating and working together.

Get out there before your stage needs a dusting!




Some Days You Just Have To Live A Little