Lindsay Michelle

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Balance Your Inner Dragon

Have you ever breathed fire before??? Maybe you’ve wanted to. I remember my little brother would have dreams he could fly and blow fire as a kid. Such an imagination. I never thought I would have those images and now I do. A Fire Breathing Dragon in her cave, lining up all of her swords and weapons for her next attacker. What does all that mean? The dragon in the cave is afraid of being attacked by an enemy or letting in someone she loves. Why would she do that you ask? She doesn’t want let anyone in for fear of being hurt again.

Next, she is a Warrior Princess with biting wolves at her feet. Don’t dare come close or you might be bitten. Ooohhh!!! Sounds scary, huh? We’ll that is the idea. Put on your armor to protect yourself. Then swipe on that lipstick for beauty and a skirt for strength and nobody will cone near. They might all turn their head when you walk by and be in awe of your beauty or astonished at seeing with their true eyes something they’ve never seen before. Surely they will step aside and give you ALL the space you need. With your laser-like focus you are determined to get to your destination and NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE, is going to stop you. Watch our world. Here she comes. Better get out of the way cuz Lindsay is coming through and she means business. Real business.

“Take off your mask! We want to see the REAL YOU. What is under all that? It must be so heavy to carry around all the time,” the people ask. “It is. It really is. It truly has been weighing me down, both literally and figuratively,” Lindsay said. And so she did. She set it all down, walked away and began her life. Wahooooo!!!!