Lindsay Michelle

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Ship at Harbor, Ship at Bay

“A Ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” This hit home strong today for me. There are many people, including Albert Einstein, to whom this quote has been credited. For me, the meaning goes much deeper. Is it easy to do what’s safe? Does it feel “better” to stay in your room, in your bed, or even under your blankets for that matter? “Get Up!” a voice says. “The day has begun and it needs YOU in it!” To that I say, “Yes!” I want to be In It.

What were you built for? What is your mission on earth? It may feel miniscule, but there are people just waiting for you to share your gifts. Go deep with this meaning and really look inside and see. You will find it. Remember that inner oasis/odyssey we discussed earlier? It’s that. That is it. It is there. Inside of you. The ship is waiting at the harbor, already built, already ready. Already ready. Been ready. For years. It has just been adding intricate details while waiting. Now it is time to let your ship set sail. Go! See the world! Share your gifts and do what your heart and soul were built for. You were made for this! The time is now. Go!