Lindsay Michelle

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Full Package


Yep. That’s what I ordered. You heard me. The Full Package with all the bells and whistles. Top notch. Pie in the sky. Only the best will do.

Why not? Looks good. Tastes good. Feels good. All the qualities that you ever dreamed wrapped in one package. The Full Package. It’s the only thing on the menu at my choice of dining and it is delish! Delectable. Elegante. Lavish. Indulgent. Suave. Heavenly. Taste bud blossoming good.

Did I say good? Why, yes I did. Jaw dropping. Crowd stopping. Mouth watering good. What does G.O.O.D. stand for you ask? Gorgeous. Outta this world. Orgasmic. Delightful.

From the moment you walk in the door to the evening coming to a close, you will feel every moment. The wind on your face as you enter the patio, with the breeze rustling the cotton curtains. The warmth of the sunset on your sun-kissed skin as it relaxes into the night air. The feeling of the linen tablecloth beneath your fingers and the smooth silkiness of your dress as it brushes your legs. The evening has just begun and you already feel like a goddess.

You peruse the menu, imagining each flavor on your lips. The colors, the smells, each part plays a role. You order the best because only the best will do. Pause. Take it all in. Then, the food arrives and you can barely wait to taste it. The aromas are invigorating and enticing your taste buds. You take the first bite and ah, you are in heaven once again. Delish. Delightful. Delectable. Every moment is worth it. You wish time could stop. Right here. Right now.

You enjoy the experience, devouring every bite. When the last morsel has slipped off your fork, you sigh. Ahhhh, that was wonderful. The waiter takes your plate and you look across the table and wonder, “Could it ever get better than this?” When you couldn’t imagine higher ground, you are blown away. Socks officially knocked off. You had no idea what you were in for. Midnight cruise. Candlelit relaxation. Seduction from head to toe. The most honored, indulged and indulgent you have felt in a long time. You could get used to this. Very used to it.

JANUARY 17, 2020