Open to Change

There was a feeling of deep emptiness that dampened the room. Like a stark hole of blank nothingness. A feeling I have never quite felt before. It was like the elephant had walked out. Left. He just disappeared. To my surprise, what was left was space. What did that feel like? I had never before felt that openness. Absolute openness. The opening was beckoning me to come, step into the space and wait. Just wait.

What a concept. Waiting. This was foreign to me. With practice I learned to be patient. What a virtue. Ah, deep breath in. Let it ALL out. Sigh of relief. Sigh of contentment. Sigh of joy. It is done. I am here. This is now. Just be.

And so I did just wait. That was nice. I even kind of liked waiting and just being. This was new ground, foreign terrain, but oh so nice. Tingly sort of. That feeling that you only get when you deepen the pause and time stands still for only a moment. Then it’s gone. The beauty is, you get to take it with you. Throughout your day. Throughout your week. Carry it. Let it carry you. Till the next empty space opens up and you pause and hold it again and get that tingly feeling all over again. What a treat:)

Till then. Deep breath. Bon voyage!


Some Days You Just Have To Live A Little


Let Your Lead Truly Lead You