Lindsay Michelle

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Easy. It can be easy. You’ve waited so long. Release the struggle. Relax into it. Just be. Let it just be. Let yourself relax into it and truly enjoy. Truly enjoy. What is that? Pure relaxation. What does that feel like? You will know. Your body will tell you. It’s a feeling of release. Releasing the outcome. Doing your part and giving the rest to God, the Universe, whatever it is you believe in. Giving up your attachment to the result because we really have no control anyway.

Ahhhhh. Deep, grounding exhale. Earth shattering actually. Shake it up a little. Do your dance and let the rest be free to just be. You will see. The rest will come to fruition as a result of your dance. Like En Vogue said back in ‘92, “Free your mind and the rest will follow.” Yeah, keep singing. You know the words. Let it all go and the rest will fall into place.

It takes trust to do this. This is the hardest part. Once you have faith in the process, then and only then can you let go of the outcome. The outcome doesn’t matter anymore like it used to. You are living the process and THAT becomes your day to day. Floating like a bubble of pure, fresh air enjoying the here and now. Now go, live it! Today and every day!!!!