Lindsay Michelle

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Find Your Song

What’s YOUR song? That tune that whistles inside of you, humming and buzzing you through the day. Lifting your spirits even in the toughest of moments. What’s the song that wells up from deep inside you on the darkest days? Which tune carries you? Which tune makes your heart skip a beat or feel like you are floating, flying? Which tune is that? Go there. Sing that song. Let it rock you. Let it soothe you. Let the waves come crashing in. Be lifted by the waves. Rise with them. Ride them until the next note sings softly in your ear. Until the melody of your life takes a turn and you change with each passing tune. Ride the wave of your life. Sing the song of your life. This is the soundtrack to you. The soundtrack of your life. Let it play. Sing it. Dance it. Let it ring loudly through the crowd, across the heavens and through the mountains. Get on that train. This is the ride of a lifetime. The ride of your life.