Lindsay Michelle

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The Sweet Spot

Have you ever hit the sweet spot? The one where everything just feels RIGHT. Yes, you heard me. I said, where everything just feels right. Maybe you haven’t. Maybe you have. Maybe you do it all the time. Maybe the Sweet Spot is your Life! Maybe it’s not. Who knows. When you’re in it you know. Oh, you will know. For sure, you will know. You will know because everything just flows. It flows from your lips, from your fingertips, from your mouth, from your body. It’s just flows.

When you’re in the flow, nothing really matters. Nothing at all, except that you are in the flow. Yes, that is it. Nothing matters because you are in your flow. Ideas just come and you may not know what to do with them. That is what happens to me. The ideas come crashing in like a wave on the shore or like a flash flood and I can’t stop them. The only thing I can do is write or speak them to get them all down on paper or to a person.

So, when you’re in your sweet spot next time: Pay Attention. Pay attention to ideas, thoughts, words, sounds, colors, songs. Whatever comes, just honor it and sit with it for awhile. Yes, sit in the sweetness. Drink it up. Suck on it like the last parts of a lollipop. Eat it like candy. Enjoy it.