Lindsay Michelle

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Surrender 07-19-19

Surrendering takes self control. It takes stepping back and being open to the signs. You can run, you can hide, you can pretend, but you will miss all the signs. When you truly surrender, you have to face yourself. This is why people don’t do it so readily.

I have tried several times. Each time I am

more evolved, but something always stops me. Something prevents me from truly seeing myself for who I am. So I keep running, hoping to find myself out there. All the while knowing that if I just exhaled and paused, everything I was looking for would be right in front of my eyes.

What a stunning reflection. Everything I ever imagined is already here waiting for me. What? How could I have possibly missed it? Why would I wait one more moment? Who wouldn’t want to have it all? We don’t believe we deserve to have it all. That is why we run.

So quit running and just sit your little hiney down right now. Right now. Stop and sit. Exhale. Look around. What do you see? It’s been there all along. All you have do is open your eyes. It was all created for you. Now your job is to enjoy it. Go ahead, enjoy it. Namaste.