Sometimes The Dance Is Our Life

Moving from behind the curtain, just before the crowd starts to “Ooh!” and “Aahh!” you pause and take a deep breath. Your heart skips a beat and you feel a rush of wind beneath your feet. A calm rises up from deep inside you. A smile extends across your cheeks. Your eyes light up and you are filled with a sense of joy. Your feet begin to move beneath you like a reflex. You can’t even hear the music or see the crowd. All you feel is the heat of the lights and the sound of your feet as the gently brush the stage floor. Your arms follow suit and you realize you are moving. You’re halfway done and you wake up and arrive in the current moment. You want to fully express yourself in this moment and your body is overcome with momentum as you glide through the movements. You hit that pose with gusto and the crowd goes wild. You are the dancer dancing on the stage of your life. Feel into this moment with true joy and pleasure. Delve into the depths of your soul and let it stir you. Let your soul stir you from within and inspire the movements. Be in the moment. Let the dance of your life unfold as it already has. Bravo!


One Day


The Canvas Of Your Life