Yes, You Can Have It All 07-16-19

Yep, that’s what I said. All of it and a cherry on top, if you ask for it. Ask for it and it will be given. Your wish will be granted, each and every little detail. The world is your oyster.

So, what do I mean by all of this? I mean that the world is connected and so is every intricate part of who you are. Your life experiences thus far have prepared you for what is coming. What is in store is a culmination of your interactions, experiences and relationships. The connections you have built are part of your web of existence. All of these are part of who you are.

Take the childhood friendships you made at the playground and project that scenario onto your child’s playground as you meet the parents of your children’s friends. Take the glimpse of that cute kid in class to a first date. Better yet, take your first kiss to the altar. It is all connected. Each experience plays a role in who you become as your path unfolds.

Now, in the present moment, we are able to bring it all in and create our own reality. This truly is powerful to take in. To realize we are the writer of our own story. To take the pen and begin is so freeing, like standing at the top of a mountain. Will you seize the moment to jump and fly?


Today I Begin 07-15-19


The Answer Lies Within 07-17-19