The Answer Lies Within 07-17-19

Look inside. Look deep inside. Now close your eyes and what do you see? Sometimes we are just too busy running around that we push aside the truth. We literally “bury” it within, covering it with to do‘s and shoulda, coulda, woulda’s. It’s amazing how good we are at hiding from ourselves. Although, the beautiful thing is that it will always be there when we are ready to face it.

Have you heard the phrase, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear?” Well, that’s just it. When you stop running from yourself, you see it’s all there for you. It can even be delivered on a silver platter. How beautiful is that? Unreal. If all we ever wanted is right within our reach, why would we run and hide?

Most of the time, we are afraid of our success. You heard me. Not fear of failure, fear of success. We are so scared of losing control and being in a state of bliss that we sit in our well-known “comfort zone” to stay safe. What would happen if we let go of the chains for just one second? One second. All those dreams we have deep inside just might come true. Those visions, those late night, early morning, burn the candle at both ends ideas that just come to you out of nowhere. Those! Those just might come true if we let them.

So, quit running, quit hiding and truly face yourself. This time what you find may not come as such a surprise. It was all there to begin. Search within. Make space and take time to pause and let the truth seep out just a little. You may be surprised at what happens. It was there all along, now it’s time to set it free.


Yes, You Can Have It All 07-16-19


Relish The Moment