Relish The Moment

Wait for the fruit to ripen and it will be that much sweeter. Oh, what a concept to ponder. I have fond memories of roadside peach stands. Growing up in Austin meant that you savored the moments where peach juice dripped down your lips. I can still taste it. Mmmmm.

That is what I thought of when Amy said, “Wait for the fruit to ripen and then you can fully enjoy it.” As she said it, I stopped dead in my tracks in tree pose and began crying. I thought to myself, “I haven’t been doing this. I have been doing too much. Going too fast. Rushing life. In turn, I have been eating unripe fruit.” I thought about it for a moment as I brought my foot back down. And then it hit me. Right then and there. Boy was I in for a treat. I really was. The more I thought about it, the more I realized just how good my life was becoming.

Life was currently getting real good. Right now. I am living it. I had been living it all along. I was so wrapped up in achieving that I hadn’t even noticed anything else. The process. The present. This moment. It seems to go by so quickly. Most of my moments have to do with nature. A sunset. A sunrise. A budding tree. A smile. A song. An interaction. Those are my relishing moments where time stands still for just a moment. Then reality strikes and the world keeps on turning. Relish the moment. Enjoy the journey. You are living it now. Don’t rush it. Bitter quickly is not near as good as the sweetness of later. Wait. Pause. Just be. It will be worth it.


The Answer Lies Within 07-17-19

