
An elaborate musical composition for full orchestra, typically in four movements. Hmm? Another take on this, an orchestra that has both the number of players and types of instruments required to play a symphony. Elaborate, players, instruments. Ok, I thought to myself for a minute. This is intense. Players, instruments, elaborate. Again. Players, elaborate, instruments. I cannot begin to wrap my brain around this. Believe me, I tried. Every time I got to the page, my mind just went blank.

Step away. Away from the table. Away from the page. Go do what you love and come back to it. So, I did. The weirdest thing happened. Every time I stepped away from the page, it all came together for me. Easy. Comprehendible. Beautiful. It was magnificent. That is an word my father used often. It has gusto! It holds weight. Magnificent is Worth It. That’s it. Worth it. I can wait, I told myself. I can wait. It’s worth it.

So, that’s exactly what I did. Focus on what I want and wait. Gosh! Gush! Waterfall activity happening here. Right here. Right now. Like a Flood of emotions and colors and goodness coming over me. Sparkling goodness. Glittery. Wonderful. I think I’ll just stay there for awhile and watch this symphony unfold. The symphony of my Life. It is a beautiful sight to see.


Full Circle


Orchestrated Chaos